Sunday, May 30, 2010

Double Trouble

My view...haha. Here are the two doggies walking on their leashes with me. Wrigley is leading the way, bravely forging ahead, whilst Ivy is keeping close on her heels! I have been taking the dogs out together for walks and it's beginning to get a little easier to control them. I don't know how long I will continue to do this, with the heat of summer coming on, but it feels good so far. I even walked them Friday morning before work for 15 minutes!

Our morning walks have led us to encounters with squirrels, birds, and mud puddles. On our evening walks we have met rabbits and frogs. Both times of day lead to run ins with dogs and cats. Last night I thought we might have a problem when a very very large dog got loose from it's owner. It was a young boy who had been holding the dog on a leash on their porch, and when it got away the adults came running out to help. The man actually tackled the dog and laid his full body across it to keep it from escaping! To give you an idea of how big the dog was, it's name was Moose... Anyway, no harm was done, but I don't think we will be walking down that street any time soon.

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