Monday, April 16, 2012

Another hint....maybe....

Hmmm, what can I say that will be a clue but won't give it away?  Let's see, I guess I could tell you I need lots and lots of room.  Or that it won't fit in a car, so has to be delivered by truck.

And a footnoot - ha ha, 'foot' note - I ended up not getting a cortisone shot, instead was prescribed an oral steroid because I had pain in different parts of my foot.  After a day of being on the medicine (and not sleeping - I was upstairs sewing at 3 a.m. Saturday morning!) I had an allergic reaction and had to stop taking it!  ARGH.  I'm fine and no harm done, but it's aggravating.  The foot isn't hurting right now, so I'm just going to let it go and live with the pain as much as I can.  I can still get a shot if needed, but I'll hold out as long as I can.

I have that meatloaf all ready for dinner tonight.  Just have to make some mashed potatoes and a veggie and we will have a good supper.


Deanna said...

Longarm? Just guessing.

Lynley said...

Oh no, is this going to make me really really jealous?

bunbear said...

Maybe...maybe not... I am bursting to tell but until it is a done deal I just have to try and keep a secret... argh!