Friday, April 11, 2014

Got right to it

Yesterday when I got home from work I knew that I would have a little more than an hour at home before I needed to go to the funeral home for a wake.  One of our elderly neighbors passed away and I really needed to go pay my respects. 

Anyway, knowing I had this hour to get something done, and not having to make dinner since Ev was eating a meal at work, I figured it was a good time to get some quilting done on the customer quilt.  When I got home, I immediately let Ivy out, as usual, then kept going down the steps to the basement and turned Gemma on to warm her up.  While she was warming up, I checked the mail, then got down to business.  I put in an hour of sewing which was enough to roll the quilt once.  Tonight I would like to at least get an hour in again, and then this weekend get it finished.  At least, that's the plan, Stan....  haha.


horsnaround said...

I like the way this post sounds, since I'm the customer she's quilting for!!! LOL Hey don't you dare stay inside on a beautiful day just to get it done quick. I'm serious when I say "no big hurry" I'm just thrilled you are doing it. :)

bunbear said...

aren't i lucky to have such a wonderful customer? :) thanks, friend, for giving me this opportunity. hope i make you happy with my work!