Monday, October 11, 2010

Pretty fall colors

Aren't the trees pretty? The colors are just starting to turn on them. I took this on my way home from the grocery store. What I really think are pretty, are the bright yellow leaves.

I think I need to clarify my last post about the birthday dinner. Every year, my dad has had a birthday dinner for everyone when it's their birthday. At first these were nice, but then they became a burden. Financially, because you were expected to bring a dish and a present, even if it wasn't said out right. Ev managed to nix it right away when his birthday came around and they just bring him over a card. The way I feel about the whole situation with that part of the family, especially my stepmothers side, made me hard nosed about not spending my birthday with them, or any celebration of my birthday. They had started combining mine with her sisters' a couple years ago. It is NOT that I don't like to share the day. It was the fact that her brother and his family and her sisters all treat my family like crud. I'm done. Just done.

Haven't started sewing yet today. Ev and I went to breakfast, then took his bike out to a friends to get the tire changed. Had to leave it there for a couple days and Ev is missing it already. I picked up some hamburger to make a meatloaf tonight for dinner and some stew meat to make stew for tomorrow. Will put those meals together, then go up and sew after he goes to work. hopefully.

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