Wednesday, February 26, 2014

This and that

Old Man Winter still has us in his grips.  It's only 6 degrees F out there and let me tell you, it is COLD.  We have really had quite a winter.  I like winter and I like snow, I won't deny it.  This one has really given me a run for my money.  I think everyone will really appreciate when spring gets here.

I cut the pieces for the next set of blocks to swap with Mary.  I'm going to make the block we made when I went to Peoria to see Bonnie Hunter.  It's called "playing with jacks" and is one of her free patterns on her website.  I have great memories of that trip, especially because I met a new friend there!  Hi Marla!  :)  Isn't it funny how you can meet people and instantly know that they are someone you can trust and you strike up a friendship right away?

I'm doing the block in muted orange and purple.  That probably sounds loud but it's not, really.  The playing with jacks block finishes at 6" so I am putting 4 together to get my 12" squares.  That means I need to make 48 - 2" half square triangle blocks.  I used the Easy Angle Ruler to cut the pieces and have them all ready to feed through the machine.  Maybe tonight I will be able to pry myself off of the couch and get upstairs to sew.

I really didn't have any excuses the last couple nights for not sewing, well except for the fact that one night was Monday and that usually isn't a night I have any energy.  Last night I brought home Kentucky Fried Chicken for dinner, so I didn't have to cook or anything.  Tonight I'm making breaded fish patties from a box, so that's pretty much a no brainer.  Probably fry some potatoes and make frozen peas.  Not very creative, but a warm meal.


Lynley said...

yep, i'm trying to get off the couch and go sew too! no luck yet, as you can tell, I'm still just sitting here with the internet :) purple and orange sounds awesome, can't wait to see it!

Marla said...

Hi right back at you! I feel the same way about you. Like a life long friend already! Need to get together again soon.