Sunday, July 6, 2014


I finished quilting the Green Bay Packer quilt today!  Yay!  It is off the frame and just needs binding and a label.  So happy that's done.
This was what I was looking at when I quilted the last pass.  Very appropriate, I thought!

We had a very nice Fourth of July.  Just stayed home and sat in the back yard and watched the neighbors shoot off fireworks.

Everett is going back to work tomorrow.  After his hospital stay last week, I'm hoping that he will take it easy when he goes to work. 

We did get a little bit done around the house.  Finished putting the railing up on the front porch.  I'm very pleased with the way it looks.


Dora, the Quilter said...

Your steps and the railing are beautiful.
(In the 4-square where I grew up, beside the steps we had a kind of pillar, landing arrangement on each side of the steps--created from limestone blocks and a ground granite kind of surface on the cement slab on top. I'd forgotten about that until I saw your steps. The area beneath our porch was also covered with the with lattice. They formed coverings that lifted off, but sometimes the bottoms or a side would blow loose in a storm,and we'd go under there and build mud pies with the clay that had been left in piles when the basement had been excavated in the late 19-teens.) Your picture sparked those memories--how wonderful!

Lynley said...

I hope he takes it easy too (tell him some random Australian said he should, I'm sure that will convince him). Both the railings and the quilt look great!

horsnaround said...

The quilt looks awesome! Can hardly wait to see it. I'm close to having the stack and whack done too. We'll have to have our own "show and tell" very soon.