Monday, July 21, 2014


Here's another little walk down memory lane and some musing.

As a female, I have noticed that men, when in the presence of a woman, have a certain timbre (always wanted to use that word in a sentence) to their voice.  If they are speaking to us, or if they are speaking to another man and a woman is present, their voice sounds a certain way.  When men speak to each other, when there are no females around, their voices sound different.  At least this is my theory.

When I was a little girl, there were times that in the evening my grandpa would be sitting out in the yard and one of his friends would drop by.  I would be inside with grandma.  The windows were usually open if the weather was fair and as it would start to get dark I could hear the men speaking to each other.  I couldn't make out the actual conversation or the words, but it was pleasant to hear them speaking to each other.

Last night it was like time had folded itself over, like a page in a book.  I was in the bedroom, by the open window.  Nick and Ev had gone outside.  Nick was getting ready to leave after we had watched some television and he was talking to his dad out by the garage.  Again, I couldn't make out the conversation or the words, but the sounds of their voices took me back 40+ years.  Maybe my son sounds like Grandpa, although I have always thought he sounded like Ev, and that was what reminded me of this.  Maybe it was the crickets that were chirping in the background and the cool temperature of the evening.  I don't know.   Whatever it was, I welcomed it and sat there and smiled.

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