Monday, January 28, 2019

Chili Cheese Dogs

Saturday morning I planned to get some chili cooking because somebof the family was coming over for chili cheese dogs.  Here is how it went:

After the loss of two pounds of ground meat (it smelled funny once I started frying it, even though the date was good), one chopped onion, one chopped green pepper, 1 wooden spoon (because Addie chewed it up while I was on my way to IGA to get replacement meat)  and not to mention the loss of my dignity because I was wearing purple, green, and black stretch pants when I went into IGA to get replacement meat, my chili has finally been started. Hallelujah.

Oh, and did I mention the one inch long slice in the pad of my thumb from the stubborn can of chili beans? Have you ever tried to peel a soft-boiled egg without your thumb? It's not easy. The soft boiled egg did not go in the chili, it was part of my much-delayed breakfast. Sigh.


TheEclecticAbuela said...

Ouch! What a task--hope the dogs were worth it! :)

Sewgranny said...

Oh my, sounds like some of my days. Hope you enjoyed your chili dogs!!!