Friday, February 27, 2009

What a difference a day makes!

Wow. I think I am finally back to myself. I appologize to those who had to put up with my off beat postings the last couple days. I certainly did not mean to be depressing, and hopefully am over that!
Back to quilting! This morning I went upstairs and took a picture of a quilt my grandmother had made me many years ago. It was embroidered squares done in what was called 'chicken scratch'. It was very popular at one time. There wasn't much of a pattern, you just used gingham fabric and crochet cotton to create the design. Grandma made a quilt like this for each of her granddaughter's. Mine was purple and my cousins' was pink. I don't remember what my sisters were.
Gram passed in 2004. She had boxes under the bed with names on them full of stuff for different family members. In my box was some purple material that matched this quilt, and maybe even a couple of blocks. I am going to have to take a look at that stuff and see what is there. May have to make my daughter a quilt like this - something from Gram. Gram also crocheted two baby blankets and earmarked them for each of my children to give to their firstborns.
I have to say, though, that I use the quilt Gram made, and I would hope that when the time comes the baby blankets will also be used. I never was one for putting things away 'for good'. I feel they are made to be used, although Gram did put things away at times...
Tonight I plan on working on my quilted squares. I have a couple rows pinned and ready to whip through the machine. One sticking point for me with these blocks is a tiny bit of finishing I'm not quite sure how to accomplish. On the back sides of the squares I have overlapped material and stitched it down, up to within a half inch of the edge. I left this half inch because I will need to stitch the rows together. But I think I will have a little bit of material not stitched down, so I guess I'll go back and hand stitch these areas, unless I can figure out how to machine stitch them easily.

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