Okay, it's quarter to seven on Tuesday night. The kids aren't home, darling hubby is at work, and I've had dinner already. The Cubs are playing baseball and the game is on t.v. I am going to get out the container I have by the couch with my yo-yo's in it and make a couple yo-yo's. It's a small start, but it's something.
The heat index is 104 degrees. This weather is horrible. Give me snow. I worry about dear hubby working in the factory in this heat. He said his machine shut down three times last night because it overheated. If a machine running on 440 or 880 electricity shuts down because it's too hot, what about the person who is running it's body? I keep texting him at work to remember to drink lots of fluids.
Found a math error in my checkbook yesterday that has me upset, of course. I know it's only money but when a person doesn't have much of it, it's hard not to let it bother you. I think I have it all straightened out, but I'll be nervous about it until Friday when darling hubby's check is direct deposited. Thank God we have jobs to get paycheck's from!
Okay, I'm getting off the computer and I'm going to make at least 2 yo-yo's! Right now! :)