Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Peaceful Lake

This is a picture of the Old Lake, our town's water source. Isn't it beautiful? It is so peaceful there. Darling hubby and I took one of the dogs out there Sunday, just for a little exercize. The dog loved it, and so did we. This was where we had the graduation party.

It looks like we are going to get some storms tonight. It has been hot the last couple of days, in the 90's already. Maybe if it rains it will cool off.

I've had a lot of things on my mind lately and haven't been able to do much sewing. My darling son is having company this weekend that I do not approve of at all. My grandmother is still not doing well. Darling daughter is interviewing for a different job. Darling son has college registration in a couple days. Darling husband has been working on the pool (this is always a stressor for him, and by default a stressor for everyone!). So I have pretty much just been keeping myself sane by sinking into a good book. Sewing will happen soon, I have no doubts about that.

I did make my own upside down tomato plant holder. I drilled a hole in the bottom of a five gallon bucket, put a sponge over the hole with a slit in it, fed a tomato plant through and filled the bucket with dirt. Then I hung it on the T post of the clothesline. It is a cherry tomato plant, so the weight of the fruit shouldn't be too heavy. Hope it grows!

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