Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Lost morning

Ev and I had some business to take care of this morning so I stayed home from work. I was on the fence about going in after we were done, but my lazy bones won out! It seems like the morning just flew by! After we got things taken care of I had errands to run. Went to the post office, city hall, the vet, and the grocery store. Then took Johanna to lunch.

Got some flea meds at the vet for the dogs and cats. Wrigley has been scratching a lot lately. I thought it was just dry skin, but yesterday I saw a flea, so got the meds. I thought they would be all gone because we have had a frost, but I guess not. I think part of her scratching was because of dry skin. The vet said it could be allergies or something and that I could give her benadryl to give her some relief. When we came home, I put the flea meds on all the animals and gave her a dose of benadryl, just to see if it will help calm her down. She seems content right now just to sleep on the chair, so I guess she is feeling okay again!

Doing laundry. Seems that's a never ending task! Also have a big pot of beef vegetable soup cooking. It smells good in the house! I like to put diced tomatoes and cabbage in my soup.

Going to go upstairs pretty soon and put those last two borders on the chunky churndash top. Mitering the corners is the next hurdle to get over and the top will be done. I have my "Just Do It" tee shirt on, so I'm like super woman today! ha ha. I can do anything! haha.

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