Thursday, September 10, 2015

Slowing Down

Sometimes it really is nice to just take a step back and slow things down.  Sometimes I am in such a hurry to get from point A to point B I miss a lot of things in between.

Today after lunch I took a short walk.  It was too hot to be out very long (at least for me), but during my walk I saw a toad jumping around in a ditch.  That's something I wouldn't have seen if I were in the car.  I also had the benefit of smelling fresh cut grass from the side of the road where they were mowing.  Yes, I would have smelled that from the car, but it would have been very brief.  While walking I enjoyed it for several minutes.

I'm hoping the weather cools off soon because I really would like to take more walks.  They are not only good for my body, but I think they are good for my mind too.

Hope everyone is having a great day!

1 comment:

barbara woods said...

i would like to follow you but can't fins a place to follow