Saturday, September 11, 2010

Saturday morning

Been up for a while and finished sewing the colored side of the log cabin blocks. Need to trim and press them, then put the last two strips on each block for the light side. They should be finished this weekend, maybe even today. I have a couple ways to set them in mind. Going to lay them out and see which one I like best.

Ev's just rolling out of bed. When he's had a shower and is ready we will head out for breakfast. Hopefully we will be able to get a table somewhere today without having to drive all over creation!

I'm back to my pre-vacation weight as of today! That makes me feel good. I feel like I can start moving forward again.

Johanna called me at 7:30 this morning, to tell me that their sewer was backing up again. Ben had to work, but he was able to get it routed out a little before he left. Sounds like they are going to have one heck of a time with that.

Nick called last night. He didn't come home but was wanting one of his buddies phone numbers because he wanted to get a group to play some game. He has to work today at 3. I'm pretty sure he is staying here tonight.

We had quite a storm last night with a lot of rain, thunder, and lightening. It looks like it's going to be clear this morning. I hope so. Ev wants to go on a poker run and my dad is having that beef in the ground.

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