Friday, February 1, 2008

Snow Storm

Here's what we woke up to this morning! Ten inches of snow! I love it. This picture is of Main Street in my little town. Not much going on, is there? I actually made it to work, but a few of my coworkers didn't. It's been a nice and slow day. I'm looking forward to doing some sewing tonight. I didn't sew anything last night. One of my t.v. shows had a new episode on, after a long dry spell, so I just vegetated in the chair. I should have been doing some hand quilting while watching t.v. Maybe tonight. Last night we had beef stew for supper. Tonight I think I will make some spare ribs and sauerkraut. Maybe some baked potatoes to warm up the kitchen a little.
I'm hoping my dear hubby doesn't get called off of work tonight. The last two Fridays they have called him off, which has resulted in smaller paychecks. With the power bills being what they are, this is a big crunch. Darling daughter is supposed to work today and tomorrow. The shop where she works had a fire New Year's Eve and this weekend they are having a 'fire sale'. They are planning on reopening and all, it's just taking time. Don't know what darling son will do tonight. He's grounded from his car because of bad grades, so he'll either be home or someone else will be driving.

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