This has been a stressful morning. I've been up since about 5:30 a.m. because Darling Hubby got sick and we had to deal with that. Then I was too wired to go back to sleep, of course, but didn't trust myself to do any machine quilting right afterwards. (I was a bit shaky...)
I finally did go do some machine quilting on the Double Delight top that I have had done for ages and ages (and promised Mom I'd have it finished by Christmas for her to give to a friend!). I thought I could get a few rows quilted before church. Well, I did, but not without glitches. Of course.
I had put a card table behind the old Singer to support the weight of the quilt. The card table is one I have been using to cut fabrics and has had a rotary cutting accident or two. I repaired these little imperfections with duct tape. Can you tell where this is going yet?
As I'm quilting along, I check the back of the quilt every so often to make sure there are no puckers. I flipped it over and what do I see? A two inch square of duct tape neatly quilted to the back of the quilt! Agh. I did some unsewing and removed the tape, then requilted the area. The problem is that there is some residue and it has stained the back. I think I'm going to continue quilting it then when it's finished I'll throw it in the washer with some spot remover and hope for the best.
In addition to wanting to get it done for Mom, I want to have it done before starting Bonnie's next mystery at the end of this week. We won't be home on the day it starts, because we will be out of town for the Thanksgiving holiday, but we'll be home the next day. I'm chomping at the bit to get into another mystery! I really enjoyed doing them last holiday season. Bonnie's was the most challenging, I have to say. It was also the most rewarding.
So the quilt is about halfway quilted now and I'm hoping to get back to it later today and get the bulk of it done. Maybe, just maybe, I can get it done before we go visit Mom on promises, though! There's always the USPS!
Darling Hubby and I are going down to St. Louis to Gram's house today. We need to pick a few things up from there to take to her, since she's living at Mom's now. We are stopping at JoAnn's to get some muslin for a friend of mine, but I don't think I'll do any shopping for me. Believe it or not, I'm just not in the mood right now. Got my mind on other things that I want to get finished. We also are going to lunch at Red Lobster, one of my favorite places. I have gift certificates left from my birthday and they will be enough for DH and I to have a really nice lunch.
Darling Son played in a band last night at a tavern in town. Now, I don't particularly care for my 18 year old hanging out in bars, but this is a pretty tame one, and his daddy was there to keep an eye on him, not that DS needed it or anything.
Darling Daughter is probably moving out in a few weeks. Her BF closed on his house a couple weeks ago and they have slowly been moving furniture and stuff into it. I'll miss her lots.