Saturday, May 8, 2010

Two of my babies

Although I'm pretty sure my 19 year old son would not like to be referred to as my baby, he still is, in my heart. He took a quick nap with Ivy this afternoon before he had to go to work. They were both so cute, I couldn't resist snapping a picture!

Ev and I had an interesting day today. We actually met Ivy's mother. This all started a few days ago when my friend Barb at work mentioned she thought she knew where Ivy came from. Barb lives out in the country and bike rides every morning with a friend. She and her friend were riding past a farmhouse and noticed a pup in the yard that looked like mine. She mentioned it to her friend and that gal said the man who lived in the farmhouse was 92 and just had to go to a nursing home because he fell, just for rehab, but his kids took the litter of pups, except for one, to the shelter.

Since we don't live that far from the farmhouse, Ev and I took a ride over to it this morning, just to see if we could get a good look at the mama, to maybe gauge how big Ivy is going to be. Well, we were in luck because a neighbor was there cleaning out the fridge, and she called over the mama dog. She isn't a black Lab at all! She is quite an assortment, really! She has the prettiest blue/smoky grey eyes. There may be some Shepherd in her and maybe some Husky, and probably some kind of hound dog. Her markings are speckled brown, white, and tan. She has a very good temperment.

We had Ivy along, so we brought her over to the mama dog, who is named Blue, and they certainly remembered each other! It was quite heartwarming to see Ivy roll over on her back and Blue smooch her all over! I'm guessing the daddy dog has the Lab in him, and I know Lab is a dominant trait in dogs, but it still really surprised me to see Blue.

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