During the Cub's game I brought my new project that needed to be cut into the front room so I could cut while watching the game. I am making a tablecloth with jars on it for my mom for Mother's Day. I have everything cut except the jars and the four corner pieces of the tablecloth.
I saw a picture of a tablecloth like this on the 'net but adapted it to work for me. There will be 24 jars, 8 on each long side and 4 on each short side. Mom's table is 6'x3', so it will work out nicely. I don't want it to hang down really far, so the jars are only going to be 8" high, plus thier lids which are only an inch high. Each of the fabrics for the jars has a food theme. I had almost 24 fabrics so that every jar would be different, but decided that the look was more important than every one being different. The size of the print in some of the fabrics was too large for this project.
I'd also like to make a small wall hanging to go with the tablecloth. She has a window in the dining room that is pretty wide and I'm thinking a long and narrow wall hanging with four jars lined up in a row would work. And if there isn't enough space above the window (my brother Joe will measure for me, since he still lives at home) I'll make a wall hanging with four in a sqare.