Isn't she a sweetie? Here's Ivy, in a cart at Rural King. Now, I have seen a gal in the store with puppies in a cart before. She was trying to sell them. And Rural King is the kind of store that sells baby chicks and baby rabbits, so they do have animals inside at certain times of the year. All that said, I wasn't completely sure that this was okay, so I put Ivy in a cart out in the parking lot and just wheeled inside like nobody's business. The greeter was busy making fresh popcorn and had her back to me. I did pass a few workers as we headed to the back of the store for dog food, cat food, and toilet paper and none of them said a word. Ivy was as quiet as a mouse, just sat down in the cart and looked at me the whole time.
Of course, to make it interesting, as we were checking out, in the very next checkout line a woman was buying a baby bunny! I don't think Ivy spied it, because she didn't make a fuss or anything, but that would have been interesting, and not in a good way, if she had caught sight of the bunny! I had her leash on her at all times.
We walked this morning before it got hot. Our walk was an hour long, but we didn't really go at a fast pace or anything. It's breezy here now, but pretty warm in the sun. If it cools off a bit later tonight, I might take both dogs for a walk. This morning was just Ivy and me. It's easier to just walk one dog at a time, but I feel kinda guilty leaving one behind!
Ev and I are going to dinner tonight. We thought maybe Johanna and Ben would like to go with us to Peel Pizza down in Edwardsville. Ben has to work late so we are picking Johanna up and the three of us are going to go. Nick's friend from Georgia is here and they are going down to Breese to visit Nick's friends down there. This is Ev's last day of vacation (not counting the weekend) and my first day of ten days off. He has been working on cleaning the garage and I have made a feeble attempt at starting to clean the basement.
Going to make an effort to get upstairs to sew every day while I'm off. Tonight I'm going to wait until after we come home from dinner. It should be a little cooler then. I received confirmation from the quilt retreat in August that they received my registration and that I got into my first choices on my classes. Donna probably will not be going with me due to a health issue with her husband. If I go alone, that's okay. I'm just not nuts about making the drive by myself.
1 comment:
We take our rat terrier Leo into Lowe's and Home Depot all the time. I'm thinking of making a quilted pad to protect his feet from the metal crosshatching.
Sarah in California
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