Sunday, June 6, 2010

Quiet Sunday

It's a pretty quiet Sunday at my house. This week I did get up in the sewing room for a little bit. I put a few rows together on the 16 patch green shirtings quilt I started a loooonnnggg time ago. I can't remember exactly why I stopped on it, but I think it is because I thought the rows weren't long enough or that I didn't have enough rows. Well, I have since discovered a word that cures that...Borders! haha. I have five rows with one color scheme and four rows with another, so I am alternating them. I do have to pin the 16 patch blocks because I have to get all the seams to lay right, so it isn't a really really quick process, but it's fairly simple and has gotten me back into the swing of things.

A while back I also went on a spree buying used sheets and washing them a couple times. I had grand plans of making several sets of waterbed sheets by putting corners on them and sewing the bottoms together. I got a grand total of ONE set made before I lost interest and moved on to something else. Well, miss puppyness has created a need for more than one set of useable sheets so I have that on my to do list for the week I'm on vacation. And that week is next week! woohoo! (The puppy had an accident on the sheets when my darling hubby was aggravating her, not letting her go, etc. so I can't be mad at the pup).

Speaking of darling hubby, Everett is visiting his brothers and mother up north today and tomorrow. He sent me a picture of the church where we were married. It was taken out of the car window, but you get to see it at least.

Since Everett is gone for a little bit, I have to do something to the house. It's almost a pattern...when he goes away for a day, I change something. Last time it was the toilet seat. Don't ask. This afternoon I took the screen door off the back entrance. It was useless as it didn't latch anymore. We have a new solid door ready to go up, so I wanted to get a jump start on it.

1 comment:

WhiteStone said...

Would love it if you post your shirt quilt someday!