Thursday, January 21, 2016

Old And New

On the left is my current quilting journal.  The first entry was in January of 2011.  It's just a composition notebook that I made a cover for.  I like to record how much time I work on a project.  The notes in the old journal are minimal.  Just a line saying what I'm working on.  That's why it's lasted several years.  I'm near the last page in it, finally.

I decided that I would start a new quilting journal this year.  Need to make a quilty cover for it.  That will be a fun little side project.  This time, I may fill the journal with other information in addition to just my quilting time.  Not sure yet which direction I will go with that.

1 comment:

Kimberly Smith said...

I'd love to have a litty peeky at a couple of example entries. I need inspiration for a journal, and they say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery ;-)