Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Skype and Sew!

Mary and I had a good two hours worth of visiting and sewing - 223 miles apart!  It was a nice visit (via Skype!) and I was able to get a lot of sewing done.  I have all of the Packer quilt top blocks done.  All 80 of the blocks need to be pressed again, then I can sew them into a top.

There was some ground chuck in the fridge that needed to be used or froze, so last night I made burgers on the grill.  Yummy!  I also put a foil packet with potatoes and onions on the grill so we had a little side dish and didn't have to heat up the house at all.  Hardly any dishes dirtied, too! 

Not sure if it's going to be BLT's for dinner tonight or grilled Italian Sausages or Brats.  Will ask Ev and see what he is in the mood for...

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