Friday, January 6, 2017

One Degree

One degree.  That's what my phone said the temp was this morning when I got out of bed.  BRRRRR!
I didn't want to get out of bed, because it was nice and warm under the covers, and especially since Addy was snuggled up against me.  But, alas, I have to go to work to make money to buy fabric.  haha.

Today is my darling daughter's birthday.  Going to see if she wants to go to lunch.

Last night I used the air fryer to make breaded chicken patties (frozen, precooked) with cheese on top of them and to warm up two twice baked potatoes.  We also had some brussel sprouts.  I think Ev is getting a little spoiled because I have been fixing him a plate lately!  It's easier to just take the food out of the air fryer and put it on plates, rather than dirty another dish to set it on the table.  Tonight I am giving the air fryer a rest and making tacos.

Ev is supposed to work tomorrow, so I plan to get that last nursing home quilt finished.  It is a straggler because the gal it is for is in a nursing home an hour away and no one was going to be visiting from our area until later this month.  I need to get it at least quilted this weekend because next weekend I will be going to Bloomington.

1 comment:

Lynley said...

That is cold! We are headed for 35 today - 95 F - and I'm trying to do all the chores in the morning so I can lie about in the afternoon! I am interested in your air fryer experiments, it sounds like a useful appliance, I might look into what is available here. Happy birthday to your daughter.