Here's a picture of darling son with proud Papa and Mama. We were at the city park taking pictures before he went to prom. He must of had a great time, he slept the entire next day! They go to post prom at the school and don't come home until six in the morning.
Didn't do more than half an hour of sewing over the weekend. As much as I wanted to get into the sewing room, I couldn't find time. Friday night I went out with my friends for pizza. Saturday was busy with prom, then in the evening we went to that birthday party for my nephew. Sunday I was just plain worn out!
Yesterday dear hubby made a fantastic pork loin on the grill, along with some Italian Sausages. We had twice baked potatoes, devilled eggs, and veggies to go with it. Dinner was very good. Tonight I'm making sloppy jo for supper. Gotta be something easy for Monday nights!
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