Friday, March 4, 2011

Friday night lightening

We are getting a thunderstorm here.  Quite a bit of lightening and thunder.  Nick is on his way to Georgia.  His flight was supposed to leave an hour ago, so I'm hoping he got out ahead of the storm.  He will be home next Thursday.

Kind of holding our own until next week.  Stomach mostly in knots, but getting through.  Just saying lots of prayers.  Convincing myself that the dog had a small stroke and that was why she behaved badly.  Doesn't change what we have to do, but helping me to feel a little better about it.

Went to supper with Uncle Ray.  He wanted to try out Route 66's fish dinner.  I don't think he was disappointed!  Topped it off with a piece of pie.  Was a good meal.

Not doing any sewing right now.  I probably should, just can't seem to find my mojo.  I think I lost it in the hole I've crawled into.  I will pull myself out of it, just need a little more time.  I won't stay there.


Diana and LaDonna said...

Take all the time you need. We'll be here.


Cheri said...

Hugs and prayers.