Thursday, January 24, 2013

Catching up

It may be that I'm doing things twice, by keeping a blog and keeping a quilt journal, but it's what I do. 

Usually I scratch down what time I start working in the sewing room or on Gemma and then what time I stop, on a scrap of paper.  I might put a little note by the times and date about what I did.  Then, when I have time, I will transfer what is on these scraps to my quilting journal.  Today I got caught up with entries.  I was way behind, having not made any entries since some time in November.

I've been keeping the same journal, just a simple composition notebook I made a quilted cover for, now since January 2011.  My entries are usually short and sweet, so I put more than one day on a page most of the time.  This is the second journal I have for my quilting and sewing.  When Ivy was a pup, she had a taste for my writings...  haha.

It's just something I like to do.  Sometimes I will go back and look at what I was doing last year at this time.  Sometimes I will add up the time it took to complete a project.  It's just a nice little record.  The blog is nice, and I have pictures on it for eye candy, but the journal keeps the time spent. 

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