We put the cover on the pool today. Yesterday we ran the winterizing chemicals in it and today it was ready for the cover. Still have to take the filter and pump inside, but that's not a biggie. We got the cover on early this year, which is a good thing. Got it on before the leaves started to fall. We weren't going to swim anymore, most likely. The water temp would be too cold, even if we had a hot day here or there. We had an absolutely great year with the pool this year.
You have heard of the cat in the hat, well here is the cat in the box. Shadow loves to lay in box tops for some reason. Here she is in one on the back porch. If she isn't in the box top, she is on the top of a small step ladder that is leaning against the wall and forms a platform for her to look out the window. Silly cat.
Baked a peach pie today. We all had a piece after dinner, but it really wasn't one of my best pies. I didn't add enough sugar or the peaches were exceptionally sour. This was the last of the peaches from the previous year that were in the freezer, so that might have been part of it.
Bought a watermelon at the grocery store today. I'll be sad when winter comes and we can't get good watermelon. That will be one of the few reasons I'll be sad that this horribly hot summer will be over. I'm going to cut Mr. Melon up like I did the last one and keep it in the fridge to nibble on. Yum.
Something productive here. I made pretty good progress on the quilt top for the baby quilt I'm working on. It's got 25 blocks in it, each 8" square. The 16 patch blocks have 2" squares in them. I've got all the rows put together and just have to sew the last 2 rows to the top and it will be done. Not sure what I will use for a backing, but I know I will find something. Want to get it quilted this week if possible. Baby is due in a couple weeks, I think. It's for a coworker's first great grandchild.
And lastly, there is the humongous 36 patch quilt, all pin basted and ready to be quilted. I'm letting it age before I start on it...that might help me wrestle it through the domestic machine. Sigh. It is quite intimidating but I will be tackling it soon. Promise!
I do want to mention that it was nice to see the memorials that were occurring for the 9 11 tragedy anniversary. We should never forget those who died. The world changed forever that day.... May God help us.
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