Thursday, September 15, 2011

Ivy is getting spoiled

Well, she probably was spoiled a long time ago, if we are going to be truthful.  Now, though, she is getting spoiled because I'm taking her on a lot of walks.  Since I started walking with her, I have only missed doing it two days.  Once was because I wasn't feeling good and the other time was because it was raining.  I still have to use the pinch collar, which I really hate, but it's the only way I can get her to walk without pulling my arm out of the socket!  Getting her out and walking not only benefits me by the exercise, but I think it helps to wear her out for the evening.

Tonight when I got home from work I put together a couple of chicken bacon ranch subs for Ev and two pieces of pizza bread for Nick.  After they were done in the broiler I took Ivy for a walk.  It was earlier than I had been going, but since the temp has cooled down it was a good time to walk.

After I got home my friend Donna came over to visit for a while, so I didn't get upstairs to do any sewing.  I did get up there later last night and finished putting the top of the baby quilt together.  I also picked out some backing fabric and pieced it together.  Then I dug out some batting scraps.  They need to be pieced together, but that's no big deal.  This baby quilt will have come completely from my stash.  The due date is September 30th, so I've got to keep moving on it!

I'm going to have to find a good sale on batting pretty soon.  I'm all out of full batts, and my scrap bin is pretty thin, too.  Maybe if Joann's has a 50% off sale I can get down there and pick up a few.  I really like to use the 100% cotton batting.  I like the weight and feel of it, and the drape.  I also like how it puckers when the quilt has been washed and dried.  I guess the price of it will also have gone up, since the price of cotton went up so dramatically.

1 comment:

Deanna said...

Walks are good for everyone involved. I sympathize with your pain on batting. I piece batting until it is almost silly, but it beats throwing out perfectly good material.