Monday, March 18, 2013

Another finish!

I finished the tee shirt quilt for the customer - finally!  Yes, I know I have had it for a long time, however when I agreed to construct, quilt, and bind this quilt I told the customer it would have to be to me well before the November and December holidays or it would take quite a while.  It did not get to me early enough and got pushed back, which was okay with the customer.  So, now it's done and will be going out the door tomorrow.  I actually finished binding it last night, but the customer cannot pick it up from my work until tomorrow.  No biggie.  I'm just very glad it's finished!

That makes three finished quilts for the year so far.  Not bad....

I have Orange Blossom on the frame and ready for more quilting.  Ev was getting a little nervous yesterday that I was working on the tee shirt quilt and not quilting Orange Blossom as the person Orange Blossom is for is having their birthday party this Sunday.  I'm pretty confident it will be finished in time.

And for your viewing pleasure, here is a sure sign that Spring will be here eventually:

This little crocus bravely stuck it's head up out of the ground, only to get snowed on yesterday!  I planted crocus bulbs a long long time ago by this tree and every year one or two will pop up as a nice surprise.  I really should plant a few more, because I really like seeing them.

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