Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Tonight was another marathon cooking/baking session

Cooking and baking update - I'm pooped!  Got home from work and hit the ground running.  Browned four pounds of ground beef for sloppy joe.  That will be Ev's dinner for tonight and the rest is going to my Christmas party at work Friday.  I added celery, onion, and green pepper to it, and then the sauce.

Ev texted me and asked if I could bring him a couple grilled cheese sandwiches to work because he was hungry and had eaten his lunch early.  Did that.

Put together a new recipe for potato soup in the crock pot.  That has to cook for 8 hours, so going to have Ev turn it off when he comes to bed tonight.

And I finally got the hoscah put together.  It's on the second rise and will be going into the oven soon.  I will post that recipe before the week is over, promise!  It's really good stuff.

Now, I'm going to sit down and watch Criminal Minds.

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