Sunday, November 6, 2011

Crazy squirrels

Over the warm months this year there have been quite a few squirrels in our neighborhood.  I have watched three in particular that looked to be from the same litter grow.  They were scrawny little things earlier in the Summer, but they have developed nicely into mostly grown animals.  I have begun putting corn on the porch for them. 

During Halloween, we had a pumpkin up on the porch.  It didn't get carved, but looked nice sitting there.  Well, I guess those three squirrels got a notion that there might be something interesting in that pumpkin, or maybe I wasn't putting out enough corn and they thought they needed to send a message.  The first day I noticed that there were gouges in the pumpkin.  They grew steadily deeper over the course of a few days until those squirrels chewed a hole the size of a baseball in that pumpkin!  It was hilarious to see just a tail sticking out and one of them inside it. 

So this winter I think I'm going to have to keep adding to the squirrel's diet, maybe putting a few apples or something else out when the snow flies, just to keep those three little stinkers around. 

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