Friday, October 7, 2011

Little Grand Canyon

Here's me on our hike in the Little Grand Canyon earlier this week.  I have to say, that was quite a hike!  The trail was narrow and steep.  Going down to the canyon was even a challenge because the grade was fairly steep.  It was do-able, but for someone not in tip top shape (ahh me...) it was rough.  Coming back up, I was glad we had the dog because she kind of helped me keep my balance.  Not that we turned her into Balto and had her pull me up the trail, but her tugging on the leash helped some!  hee hee hee.  When we were going downhill, Ev had to hold her leash because she would pull and then you risked being dragged downhill... When she decides to pull, she has quite a bit of strength!  I have a funny story about that later.

I've been quilting this afternoon on the 36 patch.  I'm almost half way done with the quilting.  I'm just doing diagonal lines a couple inches apart.  I've got one direction almost done and will be turning to do the cross hatching before the evening is over.  Looking good!

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