Sunday, October 9, 2011

Nosy me

Now just what did I think I was going to find in there?  I would have been shocked if something had flown out at me or yelled 'boo'!  haha.  This was one of the sights at Giant City State Park.  Absolutely gorgeous place.

Ev and I just took a motorcycle ride over to my dad's to let his dogs out.  They are all gone for the weekend, fishing.  It's a beautiful day to be out on the bike.  Ev and I are going to take a walk later on.  I'm looking forward to that.

I got a package of pork chops out of the freezer.  I was really disappointed with that order of pork we purchased.  The only good thing was the bacon.  I sent the other ham with Johanna and Ben last night and they didn't care for it either.  Live and learn.

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