Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Slow but sure

Still working on getting my kitchen cleaned real good.  Have someone coming in to help with it and it's going well.  She was here tonight again and I think we are just about done in there.  Next will be the bathroom.

Not feeling 100% but better than last night.  I swear by Vicks and the vaporizor.  I don't usually put the Vicks in the vaporizor, although I have before.  I find it works best when rubbed on the chest or under the nose.  Anything to help loosen things up and let me breathe better.

I did go up in the sewing room and put some things away that were laying around.  It needs a good organizing up there, but that's a project for a later date.

1 comment:

Lynley said...

I hope you're feeling better soon - I like Vicks too except when I accidentally stick it UP my nose and it about blows my brains out. Or maybe that's just me...