Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Hello Mr. Groundhog

So I'm driving home from work last night and a couple blocks from home this guy is sitting up along the side of the road, just checking out the scene!  He wasn't shy at all, as I just sat in the car a few yards away from him.  This morning, when I was on my way to work, wouldn't you know it, he was on the other side of the street, sitting up just like this again!  I was going to take another picture, but he must have gotten bored because before I could get out my camera he waddled off.

I'm leaving work early today for that funeral.  Certainly not a fun reason to be getting off early, but I want to be there for my brother and nephew.  I'll be driving to the funeral alone, again, as it's not possible for Ev to go with me since he has to work this afternoon.  Nick has a job interview and Johanna has a final, so I don't expect either one to be there.  It's okay, not a big deal, and I'll just sit with my dad and his family.

1 comment:

Tamera said...

How fun to see Mr. Groundhog, lol.