Saturday, June 23, 2012

Made hay while the sun shined

That's what I did.  Would you believe I quilted an entire quilt today on the longarm?  It wasn't a large quilt, maybe 44x50, but big enough to be on the machine.  It was one of the tops for 'Quilts Beyond Borders'.  I requested 8 tops and backs be sent to me for quilting.  This seems like a worthy charity and it will give me a chance to learn and use the longarm better.

I loaded up a second top and would like to finish it tomorrow.  QBB sends the binding along with the pieces, but says if you don't want to put it on, that's fine, they will have someone attach it.  Still on the fence whether or not I will bind them.  Probably will.

And I'm forcing myself NOT to use the stitch regulator.  I need to get good at using Gemma without it as well as with it.  Stitch regulation is great, but I can see it being a crutch, too.  I want to be good at using the machine in all ways possible.

We went out to have pizza tonight at a place in the next town.  It's a bar and restaurant.  The guys rode their motorcycles and I drove the car!  Picked up my friend Barb so I wasn't the only female in the group.  Her hubby was out of town overnight, so she was alone.  It was fun.  Johanna will be home later tonight so I'm sure she will eat some of the leftover pizza!  Nick is going to be camping until Monday.  Talked to him today and he sounds like he is having a great time.

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