Saturday, June 16, 2012

Not sewing but still a good day

Didn't do any sewing today but I did get a little bit more of my area in the basement straightened out.  I bought a few baskets and am using them in my space.

Today was our little town's annual parade.  Ev and Johanna were on a motorcycle ride for Father's Day (I know it's tomorrow, but the ride was today) and Nick was at a friend's, so Ivy and I went up to Main Street and watched the parade.  It only lasted about 40 minutes.  Ivy was a very good dog for 99% of it.  She did not bark, whine, or growl at the sirens, or horns, or bands, or funny cars the Shriner's drive, or the people walking around in animal costumes.  She even went right up to a policeman who was in uniform to be petted.  She didn't blink when other dogs passed by.  The only time she got upset was when the one horse in the parade went by.

The horse's name is Queenie, and she belongs to a couple that live on the edge of town.  Once in a while they will take her out and give rides in their buggy (they charge for this, I think).  Anyway, when Ivy got a whiff of horse for the first time she stood up and started growling then let out a deep bark.  I immediately pulled her close and put my hand over around her snout so she could not bark.  She was submissive, thankfully, and got the message quickly.  I didn't have to hold it long, just half a minute or so.  Told her 'no' strongly, and that was it.  I was afraid, not that she would get loose, but that she would spook Queenie.  That would have been bad.

And, just like last year when Ivy sat on the deck with me to watch fireworks, I really think that she was watching the parade!  Her head would follow the bands or floats as they passed by.  Cracked me up.

1 comment:

Frauke said...

thank for your comment,
we bought this boat with this name Johanna ,
the ownwers had an old aunty,
my english is bad excuse it
Frauke of North Germany