Thursday, August 18, 2011

Darling Son has moved back...again

Nick is back in the fold.  He stretched his wings over the summer, and found that it was rather expensive.  No problem.  I'm glad he's back home again.  He's good company.  Going to try and get his room fixed up in the basement so it's more comfortable for him. 

Johanna and I went to Fairview and did a little shopping.  I was in Barnes and Noble and drooled over the Nook Color e-readers.  Want one of those puppies!  Asking for gift cards for BN for my birthday and going to make up the difference to get one then.

Had a good week off so far.  Been nice to just come and go, see Johanna here and there, and spend time with Nick and Ev. 

Johanna and Ben are planning to bring the couch and loveseat from Gram's that they had at the house here on Saturday a.m.  Looking forward to having them, just hoping that Ivy leaves them alone.

Ivy got a rabbit last night in the yard.  I think it made her sick.  She needed to potty pretty badly early this morning.  And she had some stinkiness about her during the day.  Ugh.  Just being a dog, I guess.

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