Friday, February 8, 2013

Regal Shadow

Shadow, our cat, likes to look out the window.  Here she is, surveying her kingdom:

Now, what do you suppose she is saying here?:

hee hee hee.

Last night, after we went out to eat, I went upstairs and finished sewing those few pieces.  Then I pressed half of them before Darling Daughter wanted to turn her heater on and go to bed.  Not wanting to drag everything downstairs, I just called it a night.  The upstairs rooms are all on one circuit (old house) and there is no ductwork to them, so we use space heaters.  You can't have a space heater plugged in in one room and an iron plugged in in the other room at the same time or it blows a fuse.  Typical old house. 

Tonight I would like to get the rest of the pieces pressed and cut some of the strips for the sides of the blocks.  Maybe I will get around to sewing them too, who knows? 

Nick is moving out tonight.  He has a couple buddies coming to help him move the big stuff.  I don't think they will be in the house that much and all I would do is get in the way, so that won't interrupt my sewing.  And they sure don't need Mom to come supervise, either the moving out or moving in!

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