Monday, May 27, 2013

Catching up

I know I've been absent from blogland for a few days.  Sorry!  Friday I had dinner with my uncle after work.  I also put the borders on Cascading Colors.  Well, border, anyway.  I ended up just putting a two inch border of black on it and calling it good.  I didn't have enough of the black that I used in the main part of the quilt so I used what I had.  It's okay.  Done is better than perfect, right?  haha.

Saturday I loaded the quilt on the frame.  Ev and I dug holes and set fence posts to repair some of the storm damage.  Mom came down and we went to St. Louis to have dinner.  When we came back we went uptown for a while.  It was a late night for me.  Didn't get to bed until after midnight.

Sunday morning Mom went to meet a friend and visit for a while.  Ev and I put the fence panels up, which was a relief to Ivy.  She can run free again and is one happy pooch.  When Mom got back we had a great meal.  Had pork chops on the grill, potato salad, green bean casserole and melon.  Yum!

Today I started quilting on Cascading Colors.  I was worried about using the varigated thread because of all the issues I had with it on the last quilt, but I am convinced now that the problem I had with it was because of the backing material.  I'm using muslin on this one and it's working very nicely with the varigated thread.  Considering the price I paid for that cone of thread, I'm relieved that I will be able to use it!

We had burgers on the grill and leftover potato salad and goodies.  It was a pretty good dinner.

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