Saturday, April 30, 2011

I'm baaaaccckkk....

What a wild ride it was!  Water, water, everywhere.  Drive down was a white knuckle one, that's for sure.  It stormed the entire time we were driving.  And the flooding we saw!  Wow, I have never seen it that bad before.  Every small stream and creek was out of it's banks, all the lakes we passed were overflowing, and the river, whoa, the river was immense.  huge, unbelievably wide.

Most of the roads were passable.  We stuck to the main roads so we didn't have too many problems.  I will say that it did make me nervous driving down some of those two lane blacktop roads and having that water right up to the edge of the road.  I can swim, but I don't know what good that would do if we had an accident.  Thankfully the trip went well.

We made it over to Paducah for the show on Thursday.  I have to say, those folks that run the show have really got to be commended for the fantastic job they did organizing the event.  They must have a contingency plan in place for situations such as this, because the show was still a top notch, classy act.  There were different locations for things that were normally all in one place, but the shuttle buses ran with ease, although they could have used more of the larger buses and not as many as the small ones.  Other than that, they really had it working like a well oiled (sewing) machine!  Saw some beautiful quilts, visited lots of vendor booths, ate some great food, and sewed in our room!  I've put up a couple pictures of the water and a few of the quilts.

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