Friday, February 24, 2012

The call of the sewing room

Jack London has nothing to worry about, I'm not recreating his novel...  haha.  This morning before work I went upstairs to talk to my son.  To get to his room, I have to pass through my sewing room.  When I passed through it, all I could think was how I really wanted to just stay home and sew.  Being in that room makes me so happy.  I love what I'm doing while I'm in there.  I feel good about myself when I'm sewing.  There is such a sense of accomplishment for me when I complete a project and it gives me a feeling of self worth.  My paying job doesn't really do that for me.  Once in a great while I will discover that someone I helped got a job and is successful.  Most of the time, people don't come back to tell me any good news.  I just hear from them again when they are unemployed. 

The reason I had gone upstairs was to see what was going on with my laptop.  Nick had run some programs on it last night and said it looks good now.  So we will see what happens!  I hope it's okay now.  That's always an aggravation to deal with when I have computer problems!

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