Wednesday, January 14, 2009

DD Step One Finally Done

I finally finished step one of the Double Delight mystery. These are the squares as I was trimming them down to 3-1/2". I looked through my quilting journal and I have spent almost 10 hours on step one alone! Wow. Now, that included choosing and pressing the materials, so I'm hoping the next step doesn't take that long. Step two has me making another 120 square in square blocks in a different color scheme. I will be glad when they are done. This is not one of my favorite blocks to make, but I do like the way they look when they are finished.

Last night darling daughter made a really good dinner of chicken alfredo fettuccini. She uses one of the commercial sauce packets, and doctors it up. I sure like it when she gives me more time to sew!

Since she made dinner last night, I put together a crock pot meal for tonight. I browned several pork chops and layered them in the crock pot with some sliced onions, then put chicken broth over them. Before I left for work this morning I put the crock pot on low. Tonight when I get home I'll add some sour cream to the broth. This is the first time I've made this recipe but it sounds really good. I'm thinking it would also be good if I added some mushrooms, but darling daughter doesn't like them, so I probably won't.

As a rule, I try to keep this blog upbeat, but there are times when I have frustrating things going on in my life and they spill over into the blog world. Like when my children do things I don't want them to do. Like get a tattoo. Ugh. Dear son, who turned 18 a few weeks ago, decided that he wants a tattoo. Well, I can't run his life, and he is 18, but I sure don't like the idea one bit. NOT ONE BIT. But does it matter to him? Probably not. And I will love him whatever the outcome.

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