Sunday, May 8, 2011

Frogs, dogs, kitty cats, and baby quilts!

Frogs:  We have tree frogs again.  I love them.  Ev hates them.  They hang out until the pool is up and has chemicals in it.  I like the sound of them, although they really are quite loud.  Ev's still got some city boy in him and the sound of frogs makes him a little crazy.

Dogs:  Took Ivy for a walk this afternoon.  Ivy is a big dog.  She's tall but not fat.  We encountered one small poodle-ish dog not on a leash, one very angry black cat, and several other dogs in their yards on our walk who were not particularly friendly.  The funniest of the lot was the cat, though.  I would not want to tangle with it, that's for sure, because ol' puddy tat puffed up and hissed up a storm.

Kitty cats:  Adding to the symphony of frogs is Shadow cats purr.  Such a pleasant melody.  hee hee hee.

Baby quilts:  It's done!  Finally got upstairs this evening and finished the baby quilt for my co worker's grandchild.  It's quilted, bound, and labelled. Going to take it to work tomorrow and give it to him.  Glad to have it finished.  When I get the camera software reinstalled I'll post a pic.

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