Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Mom's tree

I posted pictures of my tree and my dad's tree, so I had to put one up of Mom's tree also. This poor tree had the worse luck. Mom and Pop cut it down at the tree farm and put it up in the house, where it immediately started dropping needles! We couldn't walk across the room without hearing this little tinkle noise as needles dropped onto the floor! It really was a pretty tree, though.

Today I started 10 more string blocks and finished 5. They are time consuming for me because i have to dig through scraps of neutrals and cut strips. But they will get done, I'm confident of that. I have one third of them completely sewn, and that's a big deal.

Diane and I went to Springfield today. We had lunch at Olive Garden and stopped at a couple stores. I exchanged a spool of machine quilting thread for a different color. It was an even exchange, but you would have thought I was entering Fort Knox the way they have you give them information for a simple one on one exchange!

I made Nick a chocolate bundt cake with powdered sugar glaze for his birthday. I also made him mostaccoli with green olives in the sauce for dinner. It's hard for me to believe I no longer have teenage children. I must be getting old! sigh.

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