Well, those darn string blocks are almost finished. At least the sewing part is almost finished. I have ten more to make. I have made fifty so far and have the papers pulled off all but 15. The ironing won't be so bad, but I'm not really looking forward to the squaring up part. But it has to be done! And clue 6 comes out tomorrow, so I have to keep moving or I will just fall farther and farther behind! The string blocks are only clue 3.
Walked two miles tonight with Lori. Then ate cookies. ugh. But the cookies were really good, so I'm not going to feel too guilty about them. Yeah, like I would feel guilty about them if they weren't good! haha.
Lori and I went to the Salvation Army thrift store today and just nosed around. I found three nice tops that I can wear under a couple sweaters I got for Christmas and I found a few pair of slacks I can wear to work. All of their Christmas things were 75% off. I found a nice piece of material that was Christmas themed originally marked $3, which is cheap in itself, but I got it for .75. It will quietly wait it's turn until the Christmas it becomes a goodie bag...probably next year.
Tuesday Diane and I were in Joanne Fabrics in Springfield and I did not buy anything. I just exchanged a spool of thread. I looked at the Christmas fabric thinking I would get some for bags while it was on sale, but there were hardly any suitable fabrics left! There were a couple bolts of sparkly mesh stuff, but only one or two bolts of cotton types of fabric. I don't know if they just didn't get as much in, or if they sold out that quick or what.
I made a link sausage and some buttered noodles for Ev for supper. The sausage was homemade by my great uncle. I didn't want any of it, since I had a bowl of soup over at Lori's. She made tortellini soup, which I really like, and offered me some. I paid her in the form of a potholder! haha. She actually mentioned how much she liked the potholder I gave her a couple days ago as a thank you for helping with the dogs, so I whipped up another one for her. You would think I gave her a gold coin, she just thanked me so much! That makes it worth it, when someone really likes what you make them.
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