Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Oh to be twenty again...

Here's my twenty year old. He's my baby! Nick was finishing up a piece of birthday cake. I wouldn't want to go back to those years, but I wish him all the happiness in the world. It's a great time in his life.

Ev and I are getting ready to go to the Chinese restaurant over in Staunton. They have a nice lunch menu and we don't get the opportunity too often to have lunch there. There is a Chinese restaurant in Litchfield, where I work, but the food isn't as good. Litchfield has a buffet and everything just seems to taste the same - flat.

Going to get upstairs and make more string blocks this afternoon if I can. I put chili in the crock pot, so dinner is a no brainer. I have 20 blocks made, so I think I will at least reach my goal of getting the string blocks finished this week!

There is a New Year's Eve mystery that I wouldn't mind participating in. Am I a glutton for punishment or what? haha. Like I don't have enough irons in the fire...

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