Monday, September 27, 2010

Pressing, pinning and practice

Monday's I usually don't get any quilting or sewing done. Usually I am just too tired to do anything when I get home from work. Tonight should have been no exception, especially since I got no sleep last night. But, surprisingly enough, I went upstairs and worked in the sewing room for over an hour. I pressed the pink baby quilt top, then pressed the backing fabric. I pinned the layers so it is all ready to start quilting. Then I did some practice machine quilting. I am actually feeling pretty comfortable at the old Singer now. I still fidget with the tension because it just doesn't seem to be right, but it's close. Real close, so I'm going to go with it. The throat on the machine is 10", so I know I can do a baby quilt easily. Tomorrow I may just jump right in there and do the baby quilt. I have the bobbins threaded with the varigated thread, have the machine threaded, and have a new needle in it.

Johanna is doing better. She still cries some over Ben, but she is showing interest in going out and seeing others.

Nick has to work tomorrow night, so I guess I'll see a little of him and a lot of his laundry tomorrow.

Wednesday I'm planning to take a trip to Springfield to take the state tests again. I had a grade in but it's only good for one year and it will expire on the first of October.

Took the kitten to the vet this morning to get fixed. She is spending the night and we will pick her up tomorrow. Ivy has been real clingy tonight, even going so far as to jump in my lap and bury her head in between me and the chair. I guess she forgot that she already had her trip to the vet and is worried she could be next!

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