Thursday, September 2, 2010

Thank God Nick's okay!

Nick is not having a good week with cars. He was driving back to Springfield in the rain and started to hydroplane on the highway then ended up in the median between traffic! He is okay, although very shook up, and he says the car is okay. I am so grateful that he isn't hurt! Thank You, God.

This afternoon, when Nick and Ev had left for work, I got busy in the kitchen and in the sewing room. I baked an apple pie, two bowls of apple crisp, two dozen chocolate chip cookies, some breaded chicken patties, and two big baking potatoes! The chicken was for Ev's dinner when he gets home. I had one of the bakers for dinner and turned the other into a twice baked potato for Ev. Froze a dozen cookies and bagged up the other dozen and sent them home with Nick. I did eat some of the apple crisp, but the other bowl is for Ev. The pie is covered and I will be taking it over to Uncle Ray's tomorrow after work. I have to go let my Dad's dogs in and out all weekend, since they are out of town fishing.

I let our dogs out about 11:30 tonight and Ivy immediately started barking back towards the shed and the alley. I couldn't really see what she was barking at. I let them back in, then shut the outside light out. I watched out the kitchen window and pretty soon I see a small oppossum crawl across the shed roof! I guess that's what pup was barking at. Glad she didn't get in a tangle with it. I don't think she would have won that fight!

Went upstairs and did some sewing. Put another round of light colored strips on the log cabin blocks. They are coming along slowly but surely....

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