Tuesday, November 2, 2010

QST's half done

I've made some progress on the quarter square triangle blocks. I got them sewn on the diagonal, cut apart, and pressed. Now I'm pairing them up and marking them for their final step into quarter square block-dom! This is a boring step. I'm not a fan of marking blocks. But it's got to be gone, so I'll grin and bear it and just get it done. Hey, maybe I should wear my 'just do it' tee shirt from Nike?!

Nick has been home and gone again. He loved the pizza! That's why I still cook around here. When the family likes something I've made and they rave about it, it really makes me feel good.

I'm tired tonight. Going to go to bed pretty soon. Maybe I can get a few good hours of sleep in before Ev comes to bed and starts snoring...hahaha. Thank goodness for earplugs!

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